My Pineapple Guava Tree

Pineapple guavas taste like, well, pineapples, with a hint of lime. Really light and delicious. Every year my tree produces hundreds of the fruits. The fruit starts out as a beautiful red and white flower, and once pollinated turns into a guava. This is the perfect Fall fruit, getting ripe in October when other fruit trees aren't producing. It grows well on the Southern California coast as well as inland. This tree is very prolific, we give bags of them away. We also freeze the fruit for use in smoothies. To freeze, simply cut in half, scoop out the fruit, and place in freezer containers or bags. Then just pop some into your blender with a banana and any other fruit or veggies you like (we like to add ginger, apple, grapes and spinach). They are also wonderful eaten plain. 

This is how the fruit starts out, as this beautiful flower.

Easy to scoop out the fruit with a spoon. Cut in half or lengthwise, either way works!

Ready to eat or throw into a smoothie. 

Derek Pruitt

Squarespace Authorized Trainer.

More than just a Bed


Carved Door, Japan